  1. One More Time

From the recording Squashed

Inspired by some embarrassing, romantic young notions re: soul mates & reincarnation. Why am I so romantic?
Hidden track: "Bog Man." I was into pictures of 3000 year old mummified bog corpses.
I read a book called "Only Love Is Real". It was pretty good. It fed my brain ideas for lyrics.


She is gone, she left here
I'll be there too, well,
Don't feel bad, cuz she's OK
And now I say, now I say:
She's gone, she snapped now
She found another way out, well,
I cannot help but believe
I've been here before
I know I'll find another way out, well,
I cannot help but believe
And I will be here again
I wondered if we'll be here, too
I don't know if I can make this fit now
And I knew that I was going to say that
I'm not feeling spontaneous today
I'm not feeling spontaneous today
Well I'll go there, and I'll be there
You know I cannot lie to you
Well I'll go there, and I'll be there
You know I cannot lie