  1. Beached

From the recording Down With the Ship

Yes, another instance of operetta sampling. Actually, this song marks my very 1st use of sampling ever. I recorded it in 1996, and I didn’t have a sampler or anything, so I did it manually. I think what I did was, I taped a coin to the record, so that the record player’s arm would hit the coin and bounce back, hit the coin and bounce back, endlessly. You can hear in the song that it didn’t always bounce back to the same place, but I think it worked out fine. When I recorded this, I was just messing around. I never intended to release the it. But now, years later, it’s the only song from that era that I still like. Wow.


The roots reach down into the earth. I follow them there, dig for all I’m worth. I find myself back on the beach. Their arms reach high, higher than mine reach.